Friday, August 04, 2006

Censoring Blogs

Just like several other bloggers, I was quite taken aback when I saw the headline 'Bloggers Beware'. The government is going after bloggers who criticize the government, disrupt inter-racial and inter-religious harmony, and generally make an ass of themselves on the internet. I believe,this decision was prompted by the not so favourable comments,remarks and name callings by some rabble rousing 'master's voices' and their herd. These bloggers are the 'seeking popularity and fame' types. They are the ones who should be penalised. Mr Minister, have you ever tried blogging ? Does'nt matter what language you are well versed in, it's very fullfilling. Is it true what they say, that you are not very I.T. savvy. Is that the reason for your phobia of the internet ? Mr Minister, you just browse the blogs and see. Not everybody is writing about politics. They are writing about their family,their friends, their pets, their plants, what they ate just now,what movies they watch, what books they read. You want to censor them and me too ? Most bloggers are opinionated,I agree. Is his opinion going to be read by 20 million Malaysians ? Will that small opinion influence the rakyat ? Will that small opinion shake the stock exchange ? I don't think so. Please don't be too harsh on us happy simple bloggers, go for the bad guys by all means. While,you are browsing, get your webmasters to do something about the various government departments websites. They suck.


Anonymous said...

lol i love this post!!! good job!

i'm like you, i blog about things that make me happy.;) us simple bloggers should be left out of the equation.

the government should've been specific.

Anonymous said...

i totally am with u on this. rabble rousers.. i have other terms for these people but probably too impolite to spell out!!