Saturday, July 22, 2006

Middle East,UPM,Siti

Being a nosy web browser (isn't everybody?) I find that these incidences seem to be the main talking points in the blogs I've visited. Israel attacking Palestinian and Lebanese settlements. Looks like Israel is not relenting on its bombing raids and rocket firing on the defenseless Palestinians and Lebanese. The reason, to free one Israeli soldier being held by Hamas militants and 3 more held by Hezbollah militants in Lebanon. Israel said it is retaliation for some minor raids by those militants. But do innocent people (including women and children) have to pay for their lives and have their homes destroyed.Its just that the Israelis don't like the newly elected Hamas government and want to get at Syria where the Hezbollah are stationed. And of course,cheerleaders Bushwhacking George and Blur Blair encouraging them. Uncle Kofi can keep on imploring for peace,nobody cares. UPM's Ethnic relations handbook and UPM student fiasco The handbook on ethnic relations compiled by some UPM brains was found to be factually incorrect.Some politicians say it is seditious,and historically false. The Cabinet has ordered UPM to withdraw the book and make historically and politically correct editorial amendments. There is this video clip being distributed on the Net,where a bunch of Malay students were harassing a bunch of Chinese students in one of the UPM cafetarias. The Malay students were preventing some Chinese students from distributing some leaflets. The Chinese students were asked to leave as they were from an unregistered group. Lots of shouting,abusive language and pushing and shoving. The Chinese group stubbornly held their ground. Some Malay guys were seen shoving shoes at the camera. These guys bring shame to their race and the university. If the proffessors could not write an unbiased manual on ethnic relations,how would you expect their students to behave. Allahyarham Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra,the first prime minister of Malaysia,may he rest in peace.This university was named after him,University Putra Malaysia. Sorry for the students who really wanted to study and get along well with the other races. Siti and Datuk K After playing coy with the media for months,Siti finally announced her wedding date with businessman Datuk Khalid. A press conference was specially called just to announce a wedding. Anyway,Datuk K had to settle his divorce proceedings with his first wife,before he was freed to marry Siti. That was why they were so secretive with the media then. Quote Datuk K's 14 year old son "I don't know whether to call her Kak Siti or Mak Siti" Just to remind you,whatever I have written is not verified,it is just impulsive writing.

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