Sunday, July 02, 2006

Jeff Ooi Gone Too Far

Malaysian bloggers are familiar with the blog `Screenshots' by Jeff Ooi. A blogger from Subang Jaya, reputedly 'the most influential blogger in Malaysia'. And it is no secret that he has an ongoing 'feud' with the New Straits Times' especially the former GEIC, Kalimullah Hassan. They can call each other names or exchange threats and innuendoes for all I care. And thats as far as it should go. We know that Kali's eldest daughter is getting married soon. I'm sure Kali did'nt invite this Jeff Ooi to the wedding reception, neither did the groom's family. So why must this Jeff post a screenshot of the wedding invitation from the groom's family on his blog ? Trying to be funny,cute,sarcastic or what,Jeff ? Or just anticipating with glee for idiotic comments from your fans and supporters. At least some of the commenters gave you a piece of their mind. They sensed something fishy in his crude mind. What he did was very lowdown,cheap and disgusting. In trying to hurt the father,he hurt the daughter,the mother and the family. Shame on you Jeff Ooi. We have no respect for you .Only contempt.


Anonymous said...

You have said it very well pakshah. His E G O is sky-high with a page rank of 6/10 and over 27,000 links to his blog. He even has the cheek to ask for “Donate to
Weblog Maintenance Fund” after getting also his server free by donation.

What many DO NOT realize is that he is NOW the HMV (His Master Voice) in his Screenshots and who is his Master? Abdul Kadir Jasin - the former editor-in-chief, his present Boss of Malaysian Business, where Jeff is having some featured write ups and derived his monthly pay check.

So all his blogs of Spin and Spin in the NST and all these Kali stories are all fed by HMV. – who incidentally (a minority shareholder in NST) has an axe to grind with NST. Look at the entry on the recent NST AGM; it was forcefully fed to him to be regurgitated in his blog by HMV

And his latest entry on Jul 2nd 06, “Mediator' gets positive response” - again A Kadir Jasin (AKJ) is prominently featured as the source. And AKJ is a good friend of Tun of course. So it is NOT surprising the wedding card was also fed from AKJ entourage.

When under the spell of AKJ, he is prepared to buy a 90% rotten fish and eat it! He is NO LONGER the freedom blogger he once was. He is building his blogging empire.

And of late and for many moons he has been antagonizing visitors to his blogs with sarcastic remarks and derogatory replies and comments. His entries are now mostly irrelevant (HMV agenda stuff) commercialized ones selling LG Chocolates, copyrighted Lensa photos (see the Perdana Peace forum) to be fed overseas. and travelogue photos so much so many visitors are actually leaving and suddenly he realize his traffic has dropped tremendously and his scapegoat – another DOS (denial of service) on his host.

Anonymous said...

Extracted from Mack Zulkifli in his FARWELL to Blogging
Go to
and see the comments on Jeff Ooi

July 01, 2006
When does enough get too far? - Brand Malaysia signs out.
When blogs first got popular, there were hopes that it might bring some sort of voice to the people who in the past never had any. It's a good thing, and it allowed everyone to have their say — rightly or wrongly — so that a debate can be carried on.
But somehow, things can go really out of hand if one allows hatred to consume oneself. When an individual wallows in pure unadulterated hate, the most satisfying thing no longer becomes achieving something for the common good of all, but rather, it tranforms itself into who can inflict most damage. Even the greatest will fall from the pedestal when that happens.
It's no secret that Kalimullah has a daughter who is about to get married soon. Marriage is a momentuous event in our lives. It is a time when we decide to live our entire life with someone on the basis that there is enough love to last a lifetimes erosion, and still come out loving the person until the last breath is taken.
I think that is a rather special thing, and it should be given a decent chance and the best start possible. Unfortunately, some people will disagree with me.
We all have children, and no matter who we are, our children will more than likely be the ones whom we put everything aside for. That makes them easy targets for people who hate us. The Mafia knows this, and countless of movies have hit the silver screen about how it hurts most when someone we love most gets it bad. It hurts really bad.
It's unfair, but it is effective. Jeff Ooi knows this, and he went for the jugular. I will tell you that it worked beyond his wildest imagination. Because you see, he hit his enemy where it will hurt most, in the occasion where the man is trying to derive most joy. He found a person Kalimullah loves more than himself, and sent out a clear assault on the person's most precious moment.
It broke a father's heart. Jeff won. He finally striked fear into a powerful man, speculated on the front page of Harakah — a well read PAS publication in Kelantan — to have close ties with the Prime Minister and also is influential in the NSTP group, long associated with UMNO.
Kalimullah is scared, and he is worried. Not so much for himself, I reckon. Instead, he fears that his daughters wedding might be disrupted. It is no longer a private affair for family and friends. It's now a very public event.
Yes, I reckon that seals it. Jeff won and Kalimullah lost. That always happen when someone dear to us gets dragged into the fight. Jeff has just sealed his reputation as Malaysia's most influential blogger.
By the way, I'm opting out of this. It's not the same anymore. Good night, Malaysia. It's been a great ride and thanks for the great time. You have made my days over and over again, more than 2.2 million times over the period of a year, and I am grateful for it, each time.
This is Mack Zulkifli, signing out for the last time on Brand New Malaysian.


pertama kali saya melawat blog sdr. dan mungkin kali terakhir. sebelum meninggalkan blog ini, saya hanya mau menasihatkan supaya sdr hormati keputusan mackzul untuk bersara. sdr pun tahu sdr mack kawan baik dan jiran si kali. (tapi tak semestinya kali tu his HMV) dan sdr mackzul ada professional rivalry dengan sdr jeff ooi. biarlah. tak payah cuba keruhkan air yang memang dah keruh.

kad jemputan kawin tak jadi hal. si kali pun selalu bercerita pasal anak nya. anak menangis di australia pun kita tahu, takkan anak dia nak kahwin kita tak tahu. saya rasa kalau si kali masih menulis The Sunday Column, dia sendiri akan publish kad kawin anak nya.

Semua menteri kabinet dia jemput. Sdr mungkin tak dijemput, sdr jeff mungkin tak dijemput.

Sdr Mackzul dah pasti dijemput. Tapi tak semestinya kali tu HIV dia.

Saya, kalau dijemput, pasti tak datang. Takut tempat tu dibom oleh pihak Mafia (seperti yang di takuti oleh Mackzul).

Anonymous said...

amende ko ngarut ni lubok? bodohnya.

Anonymous said...

wey lubok melayu...engko cakap mcm org tak der otak la..bangang betul

pak shah said...

Dear readers,
Lets make this clear.
This thick head is an unwelcome 'intruder' in people's family affairs.He has no right to publish that card.He is not a family friend or family.
Why am I so pissed ?
I'll tell you why.I don't have anything to hide.
I am a family member.I am Lara's uncle.
So I have every right to be disgusted with this provoking,malicious stunt.


Oh gitu....!

Pak Shah, must do the right thing, then. RETIRE FROM BLOGGING macam Mekzul tu. Stop blogging to protest Jeff Ooi dan to support Mack ZUl.

Lagipun, tak ramai yang lawat paksah punye blog ni. toksah buang masa lah pakshah, pi tolong mackzul buat project dengan daddy si lara kat NST.

pak shah said...

Lubuk melayu
Bahlul hang sakit hati buat apa ?
Ini aku punya blog,boleh blog apa aku suka.
Hang memang 'typical' melayu.
Suka dengki.Pirrah.

Anonymous said...

wey lubok melayu...hang la pi retire buang...hang dah la bodoh ...bangang pulak tu..people can write in their blog what ever they want and when ever they want...just as long as they don’t disturb or make unnecessary comments on others...I think I read pakshah blog's more often than yours….so go and mind your own business …bodoh..

Anonymous said...

lubuk melayu said:
"kad jemputan kawin tak jadi hal. si kali pun selalu bercerita pasal anak nya. anak menangis di australia pun kita tahu, takkan anak dia nak kahwin kita tak tahu. saya rasa kalau si kali masih menulis The Sunday Column, dia sendiri akan publish kad kawin anak nya."

the mentality of people like him/her fill me with contempt. i guess, he cant tell his head from his backside, and his left from his right. needless to say, he cant tell wrong from right either. he thinks he is making smart comments, he visits your blog and tells you to retire. calls himself melayu which is an insult to malays who are generally polite people. calls himself a lubuk, which fits him perfectly. like a gaping chasm of foolishness. gaping black hole of vaccuous nothing... all he does is allow jeff ooi to use him as a tool. cos jeff is smart, his fans are not. jeff does not say anything , his fans say all the incriminating things. jeff is a chinamen, he exploits the natural "dengki-mendengki" traits of the malays. jeff is smart. the likes of lubuk hasad dengki, as i shall refer to this blogger, are not. go get a life. better yet, go read. read and get some insightful knowledge about some things that may MEAN something that you may leave as a legacy for your children. at least they can be proud of something you do. and at least they can learn something from you.

Anonymous said...

35 year old sis said:
"go get a life. better yet, go read. read and get some insightful knowledge about some things that may MEAN something that you may leave as a legacy for your children. at least they can be proud of something you do. and at least they can learn something from you."

Padan muka kau lubok melayu...badigol..kalu aku la orang kata mcm tu ..sekarang jugak aku balik bertaubat...benci betul aku dengan org yang hasat dan dengki nie...termasuk Jeff Oii...dan yang seangkatan dengan nya...Pakshah ..keep up the good work...

Anonymous said...

i like you hangtakkenaiaku. lubuk melayu go get a hobby and while youre at it you should take up english classes too. xxx

A Voice said...

I am banned from his blog. I notice his aloof-like confidence and smarks of racism that he subtly dispense.

Pakshah, your comment is marred with ignorance and in denials.

You only see the wrong of his action on Kali's private life. But I see Pakshah is quiet on the wrong of Kali on the nation, on the many malay journalist kicked and replaced by Indian Singapore-centric journalist, and his abuse of relationship to enrich himself illegally and immorally (read ECM Libra and its activities and read the Merger of ECM Libra).

Jeff Ooi a Chinese and yet skeptical of Singapore centric agenda promoted by NST and Pakshah presumably Malay, succumbed without question.

Are you more concern with ritual properness and refine ettiquette than bigger right and wrong?