Monday, February 27, 2006


The Social Welfare Dept was set up to assist the needy,the poor,the destitute,disaster victims and especially the disabled people. Many NGOs set up centres for the disabled,mostly in the towns and cities.Way out of reach of disabled persons in the rural areas.There are no public transport to get there and even if there was its not `disabled friendly'. How do these `special people' get the facilities enjoyed by their urban counterparts. The Welfare Dept introduced the Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti (PDK) program.PDK means Rehabilitation Within the Community. This PDK centre is set up within the neighborhood.Any disabled person living in that area or nearest to it is entitled to register. Teachers are trained by the department . These `special kids' are taught living skills and basic education like counting,knowing alphabets,numbers,colours. Bigger kids learn handicraft,cooking and sewing. The department supervisors monitor the progress of the teachers and `students'. Sometimes these special kids join in with the activities organised by the community. Each PDK can have its own activity programs.Usually combined with their families and community members. The local health authority is supposed to make visits to the centres to check on the kids' health and the hygiene of the centres. My boy Shafiq is one of the students of the Pokok Macang PDK.I am a member of the management committee. The chairperson is appointed by the local MP,must be someone from the local UMNO or BN branch.Must be very close to the local politicians.Funny,this is a social body but politics still count. The treasurer is also a local resident.The rest of the committee are the parents of the special kids and the local health officer (normally a govt staff nurse). Presently,we don't have our own building.Now sharing the local community hall. A room is allotted for the PDK. Our MP Shariff Omar has donated a piece of land to build our centre.No action has been taken to speed up processing by the Land Office.Wake up Chairman ! Last Thursday,I attended a state level meeting of all the PDKs in Penang with the Social Welfare Dept in KOMTAR. There are 35 PDKs in the state.PW North has the most, 8 PDKs. I met all the chairpersons and reps of the various PDKs.Some are nice guys and some are pompous dictators and primadonnas. One lady was expressing her disappointment on her PDK (Ptg Damar Laut,SW Dist.) being placed 2nd to a Terenggannu PDK in a national level competition. One chairman (PDK Ptg Bendahari,PW North) sulked because the Welfare Minister Shahrizat could'nt officiate the opening of his new building. Some of these guys were bloody rude.Talking on the cellphones while the Director of the State Welfare was giving his opening speech.When they are appointed by their political boss,they don't have to respect the govt people.Hey Fool,this is the guy who is going to give you the money for your activities and other items.Show some respect. Some of them are really shameless.They dare to ask the Welfare Dept to organise trips to Sabah and Sarawak, with govt money.I doubt that they really care about the special kids and other disables they are supposed to protect and educate. Actually these people are the disabled - caring disabled,mentally challenged,addicted to free food,free everything. How can we have a caring society when the people who are chosen to care do not care at all,only care for themselves.

Monday, February 20, 2006


Pak Lah finally announced his Cabinet reshuffle.It was not so `inspiring' don't you think. Many political `critics' seemed disappointed.Many sarcastic comments were made. Some people were happy and smiling. This is what Pak Lah has to say to his critics. ` I am not bothered by your comments.I am keen to see my task through.These people whom I have named can do the job.I will be keeping an eye on them.' People out there,don't underestimate the PM.I'm sure he knows what he has to do. He is running the country,not you. Too bad,he did't fullfill your `wish list'.This is not Akademi Fantasia.You cannot pick your minister by SMS. Its been two years since Pak Lah became PM. There are some changes being made slowly. At least ,there is some freedom to voice your opinions. Nobody would have dared to speak against Dr M.Remember Anwar Ibrahim. Even a patient man like Pak Lah can lose his cool if pushed too far.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Its Time To Stop

Its time to stop all this nonsense. Nobody wants to give in.Each side wants to uphold their rights. In the end,nobody wins.Every one lost their respect,their humanity. Some lost their properties,some lost their lives. We all got emotional and worked up.Then we should realise,it won't work out,ranting and shouting. There shouldn't be any needless violence.We all have to live with each other. We should respect others beliefs and others rights to exist. Instead of shaking our fists at each other let us be reasonable. Is it so hard to say sorry for publishing or saying something which you know will not be liked or tolerated by others. Is it so hard to protest without destroying people's property,without being violent. If everybody want their own way,we will never understand each other.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Insulting Cartoons.

Totally irresponsible ! Disgusting ! What am I ranting about ? Those revolting caricatures of Prophet Muhammad in the Danish newspaper. I've seen them (courtesy of some sickos who provided a URL link). Its not very nice,nasty and disgusting. The paper Jylland-Poste had apologised saying it is their priviledge to practise press freedom.They don't care if it offended the Muslims. Their PM supported them,he's sorry if the Muslims are offended but he says the press in his country are free to publish anything.And he has the bloody cheek to ask Muslim countries to protect Denmark's embassies and citizens from angry Muslim protesters. The cartoons have since been published in Norway,France,Italy,Germany and Spain. The US and Britain have warned their papers not to publish them.Good for you George and Tony.At least you have some respect for Islam. Protests and demonstrations,some turning into riots,are taking place in every Muslim city and European cities. My Muslim brothers,I know you are angry and upset with these stuck up Europeans. Boycott all their products by all means.Don't burn buildings and start battles . A few people have died unnecessarily. You misguided Islamphobics,if you really want world peace,learn up about other religions.Don't think you are so superior that you can get away with what you did. We will all be judged by God one day.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Maal Hijrah 1427

Muslims all over the world welcomes the Hijrah New Year 1427. The Muslim New Year is not celebrated in such a spectacular way like some other New Years.We sort of acknowledge this passing of time,and take note of its significance to our lives.There are special prayers (doa) at the end of the previous year and the beginning of the next year. We ask Allah to forgive our wrongdoings for the previous year and ask for guidance for the coming year. The Hijrah calendar was calculated from the day Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) migrated from Mecca to Medina in July 622AD. The calendar was the idea of Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Companion Saidina Umar Al-khattab,with the help of prominent Muslim astrologers and mathematicians.The calendar was introduced in 638AD. The calendar is divided into 12 months,just like the Gregorian calendar. Instead of 365 days,there are only 354 days.11 days shorter. Going by this calendar,you would be a year older when you reach the age of 35,and two years older when you reach the age of 70. Hijrah means migrate or move on.The concept of Hijrah in our life is to make a change for the better,to improve,to make a better life,change our mindset from negative to positive. But we should'nt just change for the new year,it should be ongoing and be a part of our life. Happy Maal Hijrah 1427 to all .