Thursday, February 09, 2006

Insulting Cartoons.

Totally irresponsible ! Disgusting ! What am I ranting about ? Those revolting caricatures of Prophet Muhammad in the Danish newspaper. I've seen them (courtesy of some sickos who provided a URL link). Its not very nice,nasty and disgusting. The paper Jylland-Poste had apologised saying it is their priviledge to practise press freedom.They don't care if it offended the Muslims. Their PM supported them,he's sorry if the Muslims are offended but he says the press in his country are free to publish anything.And he has the bloody cheek to ask Muslim countries to protect Denmark's embassies and citizens from angry Muslim protesters. The cartoons have since been published in Norway,France,Italy,Germany and Spain. The US and Britain have warned their papers not to publish them.Good for you George and Tony.At least you have some respect for Islam. Protests and demonstrations,some turning into riots,are taking place in every Muslim city and European cities. My Muslim brothers,I know you are angry and upset with these stuck up Europeans. Boycott all their products by all means.Don't burn buildings and start battles . A few people have died unnecessarily. You misguided Islamphobics,if you really want world peace,learn up about other religions.Don't think you are so superior that you can get away with what you did. We will all be judged by God one day.

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