Thursday, February 02, 2006

Maal Hijrah 1427

Muslims all over the world welcomes the Hijrah New Year 1427. The Muslim New Year is not celebrated in such a spectacular way like some other New Years.We sort of acknowledge this passing of time,and take note of its significance to our lives.There are special prayers (doa) at the end of the previous year and the beginning of the next year. We ask Allah to forgive our wrongdoings for the previous year and ask for guidance for the coming year. The Hijrah calendar was calculated from the day Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) migrated from Mecca to Medina in July 622AD. The calendar was the idea of Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Companion Saidina Umar Al-khattab,with the help of prominent Muslim astrologers and mathematicians.The calendar was introduced in 638AD. The calendar is divided into 12 months,just like the Gregorian calendar. Instead of 365 days,there are only 354 days.11 days shorter. Going by this calendar,you would be a year older when you reach the age of 35,and two years older when you reach the age of 70. Hijrah means migrate or move on.The concept of Hijrah in our life is to make a change for the better,to improve,to make a better life,change our mindset from negative to positive. But we should'nt just change for the new year,it should be ongoing and be a part of our life. Happy Maal Hijrah 1427 to all .

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