Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Wedding & The Uninvited

The father of the bride looked sternly into the eyes of the young man who was going to be his son in law ,seated in front of him.He stretched out his hand and the young man clasped it firmly. The bride's father then recited the 'ijab kabul' and shook the young man's hand. A little tear betrayed his stern countenance. The young man recited the acceptance ,clearly without fumbling, with no mistakes. The kathi, his witnesses all agree 'sah'. So,Aiyee and Lara are now legally married.Alhamdulillah. Lara's parents held a reception at their Subang Jaya residence. Most of the good people of USJ were present,except a certain blogger who might be sulking somewhere,looking at a 'card' without his name on it on his monitor. Of course,Lara's parents invited all their close `influential and powerful' friends, and their close 'powerful and influential also' relatives. There was another reception,the next evening,held at a hotel in KL. The same 'powerful and influential' guests and relatives attended this do. Last but not least,the BIG DO in Penang. Where all the Who's Who of Malaysian politics and journalism attended. Our forgotten blogger in Subang must have been sulking,missing out on the pics he could have shot if he was there.Uploading a pic from The Star is consoling,perhaps. Some of his sympathizers were so kind to him,supplying Lara's and her sister's My Space url. You voyeurs got nothing to do or what ? I really feel sorry for you misguided trouble makers. Congratulations Aiyee and Lara. Don't let these idiots spoil your happiness. Borrowed these lines from The Beatles : Although you laugh and you act like a clown Beneath this mask you are wearing a frown What have you done to deserve such a fate You realise you have left it too late. You're a loser,you're a loser And you're not what you're supposed to be You're a loser,you're a loser And you're half the man you used to be. P.S. Happy Birthday Jeni.


Anonymous said...

betui tu pakshah...habis kuat pun dapat gambaq dari The Star jer..kesian...ada pulak yang sebok2 pi bagi link myspace org...tak malu btui..takpa2 kita bagi chan dulu...

Anonymous said...

hey pak shah..
so u enjoyed the wedding, did you?
so by your estimation did it run into the millions as the riff raff loose tongued, mealy mouthed, no lifers alleged? i await jeff's daughter's party, coming out, initiation, confirmation, wedding etc... lets see if people are going to be as nasty, unscrupulous and totally without morals when they blog about it.
anyway, i am told by guests at the wedding that it was a small, very "family" affair, tho the akad nikah had many guests, even those not invited. thankfully no one disrupted the proceedings so my guess is the jeffs and jeff's cronies of usj and nst did not crash the do.
what would they have gotten if they had anyway??? oh, free food and door gifts.. and maybe unauthorised pix, and peeks .. he he


what a braggart. pride comes before a fall, my friend.

pak shah said...

Hey Lubok M
Thamks for dropping in.
You missed me,didn't you ?
Ha ha !

Anonymous said...


the air was real clean on your blog lately> but logging in today, the stench was strong> intrigued, i investigated... lubuk melayu is back. some ppl just dont know where they arent wecomed. thats why i believe he shouldnt call himeself melayu. he is the new breed of race in malaysia ... the jeffooi brown nosies.. hence the stench. told you, go get cleaned up. pray a little, repent a little, you can still save yourself and your family>>>

Anonymous said...

fuiyo. lubuk melayu dah belajar english rupanya. congratulations! i didn't think you cared what other people say. hang paham tak ni? :D