Sunday, January 07, 2007

Looking back at 2006

Already one week into 2007 and this is my first post for 2007. The holiday mood is slowly fading and everyone's back in their business. Never expected the floods to be so devastating in Johore and the southern states. From the pictures we saw on tv and on internet sites, reminds us of the New Orleans floods in the US, and some coastal areas look like the tsunami aftermath. That is one of the most memorable events of 2006. Wonder what will Mother Nature hand us this year. If only we had preserved her natural assets and protected our environment, we would not be so devastated. Develop some more, cut the hillslopes, chop off the trees, choke the streams and rivers. When disaster comes , you ought to know who to blame. You asked for it. Malaysian politics can be summed up as this : Everybody thinks that they are smarter than the government and Prime Minister and can run the country better. Racial harmony and religious tolerance are not being given the chance to flourish because of certain chauvinistic parties. People without religious credentials shut up say the holier than thees. Local warlords and their kin can break the local bylaws and get away with them. Those other politicians who kick up the ruckus are plain envious, so they say. What next 2007 ? Will we Malaysians ever change ?

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