Sunday, January 28, 2007

Bloggers in trouble

Should I feel sorry or what ? Sympathise ? Empathise ? I'm talking about those two blogging guys who got the editors of an established newspaper so riled up. Now those two bloggers are getting sued. Our two 'folk heroes' believe that they speak for the 'misinformed' public. Alternative and unspun news and facts. In fact, many other bloggers too have done the same, but..... they were not targetted. Even the politician bloggers (opposition and others) don't write nice things about the establishment. Nobody has stopped them yet. The common bond between these two cyber-writers is that both of them are unhappy with the newspaper's administration and editorial officials. So some unkind remarks or innuendos were written to embarrass or shame the news guys. Maybe they went out of line somewhere. Its common knowledge that one of the said bloggers used to be on that newspaper team. Maybe the pain of being 'let go' is still burning ? The other fellow is known to be feuding with one of the former editors and likes to ridicule the newspapers. I admit that I do read their blogs and its amazing how they can come up with such sensational stories sometimes. Very entertaining. They should have looked out for their readers comments. Some are so rude and insulting. These commenters will spoil and sullify your blogs. You can criticize, but don't libel. And what's with these news guys ? Makan cili kah ?

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