Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Win or Lose

BN just won the Sarawak state elections.62 out of 71 seats. Even got 2 free on Nomination Day. But I see the CM Tok Taib does not seem happy with this victory. Because he lost 9 seats,thats why. In all his 20 over years as state CEO, he never lost that many seats. Fingers of blame seems to be pointed at a certain coalition partner. The lost seats were allocated to them. Tok Taib and his partners should ask themselves `how come ?' Sarawak is a rich state.Quite developed. Ironically,the bulk of the lost seats (and lost votes) were from the urban areas. Out of the 9 seats gained by the Opposition, the Rocket people won 6. The Eye,Snap and Independent won one each. It's pathetic to see them celebrate this `little' victory. Being such a `frust' lot,they act like they won big. Go ahead and dream.It doesn't hurt.

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