Monday, May 15, 2006

Mothers Day

I want a mum that lasts forever I want a mum forever and ever That's the song Chucky sang as he looked out of the airplane window.The clouds formed a fluffy and soft image of Chucky in his late mom's arms. We all would like our mums to be here forever and ever,Chucky. How we miss our mums when they are not here anymore. Mums are taken for granted,taken advantage of.You take away their sons and daughters from their arms to start your own families. Mums ,and dads too,find it heart wrenching to let go of their kids to another's family.Most of us have felt that sadness when your child leaves your nest.Deep inside,we hope and pray that your child will get all the loving and care she was used to. Have you ever been disobedient or rude to your mum ? She hurts but you don't see the pain in her heart.Mums are very good at covering up.She is not vindictive,she is very forgiving . Your food is always on the table,whether you deserve it or not. You should be remorseful for treating her bad. Dad does't give you what you want.Or you are scared to ask him anyway. Your middle-woman,mum can soft talk your dad and you might get something,maybe not what you expect to get.At least you got something. Aah.. mum's cooking ,you just can't help thinking about it.Especially when you are on your own,living on instant noodles and msg (ajinomoto) tainted warong food. Every one thinks his/her mum is the best cook. Those of you who still have your mums, mum in laws,do take good care of them.Cherish them,love them with all your hearts.Don't hurt them and don't discard them.Make their remaining years beautiful and peaceful. You will miss them a lot when they are gone.Don't make you life regretful. `Ya Allah,ampunkan dosa-dosa ibu-ibu kami.Cucurilah Rahmat ke atas roh-roh mereka.Kasihanlah mereka sepertimana mereka kasihankan kami.Masukkan mereka dalam golongan orang-orang yang beriman.Amin.' God bless you mums of yesterday,today and tomorrow.

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