Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Lina turns 15

The girl who was 14 going on 15 finally turns 15 today. Lina Masturah,its your birthday.Happy birthday from Mak,Bapak,all your abangs ,kakak,adik and anak buah. Lina is my only daughter and I feel that sometimes I do dote on her. I guess,all dads are a little soft with their daughters than their sons. This morning,you spent your birthday at the hospital.The doctor said she can't diagnose your problem until she recieves the 'cytology test results' of the liquid that they drained from your neck.So its back to school for you. Your parents' wish for you is that you will always be healthy and happy. Be more responsible,help out in the house whenever you can. Study hard,you're sitting for the PMR exams this year.Spend less time chatting online.Don't neglect your religous duties. We love you very much just as you love us all. Happy birthday my dear. (sorry I haven't given any present yet)

1 comment:

makdom said...

I thought it was ordinary mumps . How could it get so serious. Anyway I wish her quick recovery and be that sweet girl I know. Already 15 ? Wow I thought you are only 10.