Sunday, November 29, 2009

Aidil Adha

Had a nice Hari Raya Aidil Adha this year.
The missus and me are very happy and grateful to Allah that all our children are home.

My latest grandson Habib is 5 months old already. He looks big for a baby that age. All chubby and round and very friendly, ready with a smile and guggles.
His big brother Hasif does'nt seem to grow much, looks small for a 6 year old. Very very hyper active.
Always running and jumping everywhere.
He only keeps still when he's playing games on the computer.

My son Shahman took part in the qurban (sacrifice). I made arrangements with our local Imam, when he was asking for participants. It costs RM350 for a portion.
(Each sacrificial cow is shared seven ways. From your 1/7 part, 2/3 is given to the mosque for distribution to the poor, you can take home 1/3 of the meat. With your 1/3 you can consume all of it, or you can share with your relatives and neighbors.)

The qurban began, soon after Aidil Adha prayers, about 10.00 am.
3 cows were sacrificed in the morning, and 7 more right after Friday prayers, all on Friday. 13 more cows wer sacrificed today. My son's portion was completed in the earliest session.

On Friday night, my sons teamed up with my next door neighbor for a barbecue session. They grilled chicken and ikan kembong.

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