Sunday, November 23, 2008

Islam disapproves tomboys and yoga

Muslim women who are masculine in manner and dressing are decreed un-Islamic by the National Fatwa Council. The council enforcers don't give a shit about the psyche or emotional condition of these 'un-women'. My advise to the 'tomboys' is to keep out of the public eye with your girlfriends. You are safe ,in a private place. And the council cannot arrest you for khalwat (close proximity) since both of you are biological females. Yesterday, the Fatwa council announced that Muslims must not practise the ancient Indian exercise of Yoga. It is feared that Muslims will be led astray from Islam, by following some of the yoga rituals. Many Muslims that I know of, have been practising yoga as a physical exercise for several years but they have'nt strayed from Islam. Whatever it is, I really hope that no over-zealous Religious Dept enforcers, would go snooping in people's private homes or grounds to nab so called offenders. Another fatwa should be created to declare that unwarranted spying on people is illegal.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Are We Ready For CHANGE ?

Barack Hussein Obama will become the next president of the United States. Americans , thank you for not bothering about his race and origins. You just picked a person who you think can be a good leader, better than George W Bush. In congratulating Obama, PM Pak Lah said, we could be like America where every race can get a chance to be PM. Its easy for him to say that, after all he is part-Chinese. I cannot imagine if a Chinese or Indian would dare to have such ambitions. Don't think that the Umno or PAS Malays are gonna keep quiet and allow that to happen. They are already quarrelling with the Selangor govt for appointing a Chinese officer (who is very experienced and qualified )to act as PKNS general manager. Sad to say, meritocracy is worthless in Malaysia. Only Malay officers, no matter how useless, are supposed to be Pengarahs and Pengerusis of govt agencies. Americans have voted for CHANGE but we, Malaysians are not ready for that, because the Umno and PAS Malays don't want to CHANGE. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Barack Hussein Obama terpilih sebagai bakal presiden Amerika Syarikat. Terima kasih kepada rakyat Amerika kerana tak hirau kaum dan asal-usul Barack tu. Hampa memilih orang yang boleh jadi pemimpin yang baik, lebih baik dari Bush tu. PM kita Pak Lah ucap tahniah kepada Obama. Pak Lah kata, kita boleh jadi macam Amerika, di mana semua bangsa boleh dapat peluang nak jadi PM. Senang dia cakap, dia tak pah lah, dia dah ada sikit darah Cina. Aku tak boleh bayangkan ada orang Cina atau India yang ada cita-cita lagu tu. Hang ingat orang Melayu Umno dan PAS nak dok diam dan biak benda ni jadi. ? La ni depa dok bara dengan k'jaan negeri Selangor pasai melantik pegawai bangsa Cina ( yang memang layak dan berpengalaman) untuk memangku jawatan pengurus (GM) PKNS. Dukacita nak kata, meritokrasi tak laku di Malaysia. Hanya pegawai Melayu, walaupun ada jenis yang haprak, saja yang boleh jadi pengarah atau pengerusi agensi-agensi kerajaan. Rakyat Amerika dah pilih PERUBAHAN (Change) tapi kita rakyat Malaysia tak sedia lagi pasai orang Melayu Umno dan PAS tak mau BERUBAH.