Sunday, November 23, 2008

Islam disapproves tomboys and yoga

Muslim women who are masculine in manner and dressing are decreed un-Islamic by the National Fatwa Council. The council enforcers don't give a shit about the psyche or emotional condition of these 'un-women'. My advise to the 'tomboys' is to keep out of the public eye with your girlfriends. You are safe ,in a private place. And the council cannot arrest you for khalwat (close proximity) since both of you are biological females. Yesterday, the Fatwa council announced that Muslims must not practise the ancient Indian exercise of Yoga. It is feared that Muslims will be led astray from Islam, by following some of the yoga rituals. Many Muslims that I know of, have been practising yoga as a physical exercise for several years but they have'nt strayed from Islam. Whatever it is, I really hope that no over-zealous Religious Dept enforcers, would go snooping in people's private homes or grounds to nab so called offenders. Another fatwa should be created to declare that unwarranted spying on people is illegal.