Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy Christmas

Happy Christmas to all my Christian friends. I don't think its wrong to call God - Allah in Bahasa Malaysia. Arab Christians call God - Allah too. Methinks the deputy minister has been badly advised by his incompletely educated advisers. If that becomes law, I feel sad for this country. Meanwhile, enjoy your selves.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

We Survived Aidil Adha

Selamat menyambut Hari Raya Aidil Adha everyone. You know, we survived Aidil Adha, without the presence of our Queen of the house. A few days before Aidil Adha, we (the kids and I) discussed on how we are going to celeberate the Raya. Some decisions were to be made. 1. Wake up early (this task was not accomplished very well by certain members). 2. Spring cleaning. ( Fahmie and Shahman handled this). 3. Ironing our baju Melayu. (Lina's task) 4. Raya cookies. ( No volunteers, so we bought keropok and kacang to serve visitors). 5. Traditional Raya breakfast of nasi himpit and kuah kacang. This is a must have delicacy for any Raya in our family. ( No problem , bought the pre-packed nasi himpit and kuah kacang. But sad to say, the pre-packed peanut sauce is way below the deliciousness of our beloved Milah's cooking.) Yes, two of our neighbors sent us some ketupat and rendang. 6. Lunch. ( We planned to have beef curry, had already bought beef, potatoes, etc. Thanks to the pre-packed food industry, our beef curry turned out okay. Our neighbor sent some chicken masak merah, so we had two dishes for lunch. The curry lasted until dinner. But there was something we couldn't have - tomato rice. Nobody dared to experiment. so we settled for ordinary plain white rice. We didn't go visiting anybody, and nobody came a-visiting. Raya Haji is very laidback in this state. What's important is that we are together and are happy like that. And we miss you Milah lots and lots. Salam Aidil Adha to all my family and friends and blog visitors.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Che' Lah and his Big Ears

Our 'democratic' country has been making news internationally of late (but in a negative way). For the last few weeks or so, Malaysian viewers have seen our heroic boys in blue showing their force and power on those 'stubborn' uncles,aunties,brothers and sisters in yellow and a certain group (disowned by MIC). The government told us that those Malaysians (who were strolling and gathering where they were not allowed to) are dangerous and are 'threats' to national security. Wonder why people would defy the government. Maybe they are not happy with the way things are being handled (like elections, judge's appointment, money wasting) by the BN Govt. And I wonder why the Govt is so afraid to let the rakyat demonstrate their dissatisfaction and worries. Our PM Che'Lah (only nice guys should be called Pak Lah, like a kindly uncle,like me) once said he's got Big Ears, he's listening, but when the rakyat wants to make a point, he orders his boys in blue to water-cannon and lob teargas at them. Che'Lah, somethings aren't right in your administration. Just listen closely to us the rakyat. Don't hear just what you want to hear. Let the rakyat speak.