Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Che' Lah and his Big Ears

Our 'democratic' country has been making news internationally of late (but in a negative way). For the last few weeks or so, Malaysian viewers have seen our heroic boys in blue showing their force and power on those 'stubborn' uncles,aunties,brothers and sisters in yellow and a certain group (disowned by MIC). The government told us that those Malaysians (who were strolling and gathering where they were not allowed to) are dangerous and are 'threats' to national security. Wonder why people would defy the government. Maybe they are not happy with the way things are being handled (like elections, judge's appointment, money wasting) by the BN Govt. And I wonder why the Govt is so afraid to let the rakyat demonstrate their dissatisfaction and worries. Our PM Che'Lah (only nice guys should be called Pak Lah, like a kindly uncle,like me) once said he's got Big Ears, he's listening, but when the rakyat wants to make a point, he orders his boys in blue to water-cannon and lob teargas at them. Che'Lah, somethings aren't right in your administration. Just listen closely to us the rakyat. Don't hear just what you want to hear. Let the rakyat speak.


cakapaje said...

Salam Pakshah,

lol! The part about the kindly uncle, I do believe that to be true.

cakapaje said...

Pak Shah,

Salam Aidil Adha kepada Pak Shah dan keluarga.